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A |
AMDAUTOSAR Monitoring and Debugging: AMD test tool, Microsar AMD gives ECU developers access to valuable information on runtimes and statuses of the application and basic software. In test environments it is now easier to compare internal ECU parameters to external parameters and bus communication. | |
APIApplication Programming Interface: A standardized interface is an interface which is predefined by the AUTOSAR standard as an API in the C language. It is used between BSW modules in an ECU, between the RTE and the operating system or between the RTE and the BSW module Com. | |
ArtiAUTOSAR Runtime Interface: Arti is an interface to debugging/tracing tools to ease and speed up the debugging, tracing, and verification of system behavior. | |
ASAMAssociation for Standardisation of Automation- and Measuring Systems | |
ASRAUTOSAR : Automotive Open System Architecture | |