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C |
CanCAN Driver: The driver Can abstracts access to the CAN hardware for sending and receiving messages and for switching between controller states (sleep, stop, etc.). | |
CAN busController Area Network Bus: A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other's applications without a host computer. | |
CANdbCAN data base editor: Beside of DBC it can read a number of other database formats such as dBase and MSRnet (SGML). | |
CanIFCAN Interface : The module CanIf offers abstracted (PDU-based) access to the CAN Driver. It controls the CAN Driver (Can) as well as the transceiver driver (CanTrcv). | |
CanNmCAN Network Management: Within a CAN network, the module CanNm is responsible for coordinated transitions between the wake-up and sleep state. | |
CanSMCAN State Manager: The module CanSM is responsible for the bus-specific error handling. | |
Transport Layer: The CanTp module conforms to ISO standard 15765-2. As the transport protocol for CAN, it is responsible for segmenting the data in the Tx direction, collecting data in the Rx direction and monitoring the data stream. | |
CanTrcvCAN Transceiver Driver: This driver is responsible for controlling the operating states of an external CAN transceiver. It contains control of wake-up and sleep functions. | |
CanTSynTime Synchronization over CAN: This module CanTSyn realizes the CAN-specific time synchronization protocol. An access to the synchronized time base by the SWCs requires the Synchronized Time-Base Manager (StbM). | |