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Database for CAN: The DBC file is an ASCII based translation file used to apply identifying names, scaling, offsets, and defining information, to data transmitted within a CAN frame. For any given CAN ID, a DBC file can identify some or all of the data within the CAN frame.


Debugging : The Dbg module enables external access to internal information of the basic software. It is also possible to modify memory data.


Diagnostic Communication Manager: The Dcm module implements diagnostic communication according to ISO 14229-1:2020 (UDS). Some diagnostic requests are processed directly in the Dcm (management of diagnostic sessions, reading of error codes, etc.) and some are routed to the SWCs via port interfaces (reading, writing and controlling of data elements within a data identifier, execution of routines, etc.). Legal requirements of OBDII (SAE1979) OBDonUDS (SAE J1979-2) and WWH-OBD (ISO27145) are also supported.


Diagnostic Event Manager: The Dem module implements a fault memory. The standardized interface enables uniform development of manufacturer independent SWCs to report faults, enable conditons states or re-starting operation cycles. The Dem module is responsible for administering the DiagnosticTroubleCode states, environmental data, and for storing the data in NVRAM.

The legal requirements of OBDII (SAE1979) OBDonUDS (SAE J1979-2) and WWH-OBD (ISO27145) are also supported.


Default Error Tracer: The Det module supports error debugging during software development. It provides an interface for error notification, which is called by the individual BSW modules in case of error. Since R4.2 the Development Error Tracer is renamed to Default Error Tracer to cover additional error types i.e. Runtime- and Transient (hardware) faults.

Dev (error detect)

Development Error Detected


Autosar Diagnostic Extract: AUTOSAR DEXT supplements the AUTOSAR system description. This describes the UDS diagnostic services supported by the AUTOSAR control unit.


Data identifiers: Data identifiers are algorithms that combine pattern matching with data validators to detect content. Patterns are similar to regular expressions but more efficient because they are tuned to match the data precisely. Validators are accuracy checks that focus the scope of detection and ensure compliance.


Digital Input Output Driver: The Dio driver provides read and write services for the DIO channels (pins), DIO ports and DIO channel groups.


Dynamically Linked Library: A DLL is a dynamic link library. It is a collection of code and/or data, which may be used by several applications (or other libraries/modules).

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