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Flash BootLoader: A Flash Bootloader module is designed to update the firmware without the use of any specialized hardware such as JTAG. The Flash Bootloader module is the first software module that gets activated during the booting of the system (after the power supply of the device is switched on).


Flow Control: In data communications, flow control is the process of managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from overwhelming a slow receiver. Flow control should be distinguished from congestion control, which is used for controlling the flow of data when congestion has actually occurred.


Flash EEPROM Emulation: The Fee module offers a hardware-independent interface for accessing flash data and uses a flash driver (Fls) for this. In addition to reading, writing and clearing data, the Fee module also distributes write accesses to different areas of flash memory, so that all flash cells are uniformly stressed, which increases their life-time.


First Frame: The first frame is an initial message of the multi-frame message packet in CAN-TP Protocol. It is used when more than 6 or 7 bytes of data segmented must be communicated. The first frame contains the length of the full packet, along with the initial data.


Field Bus Exchange Format: The ASAM MCD-2 NET standard (called FIBEX for Field Bus Exchange Format) is an XML-based standardised format used for representing the networks used in automobiles. It is being used by the automotive industry for its ease of data exchange. It has extensibility required for the various network protocols (like FlexRay, MOST, CAN, TTCAN, LIN and Ethernet) used. It is developed by the ASAM consortium.


First In First Out


Function Inhibition Manager: Based on the active errors managed by the Dem module, the FiM offers the ability to prevent execution of functionalities in SWCs.


Internal RC Oscillator: RC oscillators are a type of feedback oscillator; they consist of an amplifying device, a transistor, vacuum tube, or op-amp, with some of its output energy fed back into its input through a network of resistors and capacitors, an RC network, to achieve positive feedback, causing it to generate an oscillating clock.


Flash Driver: The Fls driver enables hardware-independent and uniform access to flash memory. It provides services for reading, writing and comparing data, and for deleting blocks (sectors).


Flash Test: The module FlsTst offers algorithms for testing nonvolatile memory such as data or program flash, SRAM and protected cache.

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