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I |
I-PDUInteraction Layer Protocol Data Units: The Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit (I-PDU) is assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR COM. It consists of one or more signals. | |
IcuInput Capture Unit Driver: The Icu driver provides services for edge detection, measurement of periodic signals, assignment of edge time stamps and control of wake-up interrupts. | |
IDEIntegrated Development Environment: An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. | |
IF lower layerInterface Lower Layer: The network interface layer, also commonly referred to as the data link layer or link layer, is the lowest layer in the TCP/IP model. This particular layer has several unique security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by a determined adversary. | |
IflInterpolation Floating Point: Library with interpolation functions for floating point values. | |
IfxInterpolation Fixed Point: Library with interpolation functions for fixed point values. | |
IncIncreasing | |
Init TaskInitial Task | |
IntInterrupt : In digital computers, an interrupt is a response by the processor to an event that needs attention from the software. An interrupt condition alerts the processor and serves as a request for the processor to interrupt the currently executing code when permitted, so that the event can be processed in a timely manner. | |