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J1939 Dcm

SAE J1939 Diagnostic Communication Manager: The module J1939Dcm implements Diagnostic Messages of the SAE J1939-73 protocol, e.g. for reading out the fault memory.

J1939 Rm

SAE J1939 Request Manager: The module J1939Rm implements requesting of data via Request Handling that is defined in the SAE J1939 protocol.


SAE J1939 Network Management: J1939 supports adding ECUs to networks on-the-fly. The module J1939Nm is responsible for negotiating a unique ECU address (“AddressClaim”) and unlike other NM modules for handling the wake-up or going to sleep of the bus.


SAE J1939 Transport Layer: The J1939Tp module contains the transport protocols BAM (Broadcast Announce Message) and CMDT (Connection Mode Data Transfer) of the SAE J1939 standard.