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L |
LdComLarge Data COM: The LdCom module is optimized for routing large signals. Thereby it avoids an unnecessary copying of data. The LdCom is typically used together with SomeIpXf as a serialization transformer. | |
LDFLIN Definition File | |
LinLIN Driver: The driver Lin provides services for initiating frame transmission (header, response, sleep-mode and wake-up), and for receiving responses, checking the current state and validating wake-up events. | |
LinIfLIN Interface: The module LinIf offers abstracted (PDU-based) access to the LIN hardware. It also handles schedule table processing and contains the LIN transport protocol (→LinTp). | |
LinNmLIN Network Management: The LinNm module contains a hardware-independent protocol, which coordinates the transition between normal operation and the bus sleep mode of the LIN network. | |
LinSMLIN State Manager: The module LinSM switches between schedule tables and PDU groups in the Com module and services the LIN interface (LinIf) with regard to sleep and wake-up. | |
LinTpLIN Transprot Layer: The module LinTp is responsible for segmenting data in the Tx direction, collecting data in the Rx direction and monitoring the data stream. According to the AUTOSAR specification, LinTp is | |
LinTrcvLIN Transceiver Driver: The LinTrcv module for an external LIN transceiver is responsible for monitoring and driving the wake-up and sleep functions. | |
LinXcp (Master)LIN XCP (Master): The LinXcp module contains LIN-specific contents of the XCP module (→ Xcp). | |