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MCModulus Counter: The modulus of a counter is the number of states in its count sequence. The maximum possible modulus is determined by the number of flip-flops. For example, a four-bit counter can have a modulus of up to 16 (2^4). Counters are generally classified as either synchronous or asynchronous. | |
MCALMicro Controller Abstraction Layer: MCAL is a software module that has direct access to all the on-chip MCU peripheral modules and external devices, which are mapped to memory. And it makes the upper software layers (Basic software layer, or BSW, Application Layer) independent of the MCU. | |
McuMicro Controller Unit Driver: The Mcu driver provides the services for: – A microcontroller reset triggered by software – Selecting microcontroller states (STOP, SLEEP, HALT, etc.) – Configuring wake-up behavior – Managing the internal PLL clock unit – Initializing RAM areas with predefined values | |
MDGMode Declaration Group: The mode declaration group is an element that contains the possible operating states of an ECU, single functional unit, etc. | |
MemMemory Driver: The Memory Driver provides the basic services for accessing different kinds of memory devices. The basic serives are reading, writing, erasing and blank checking. Almost all common nonvolatile memory technology are supported like Data/-Code-Flash, EEPROM, PCM FeRAM. | |
MemAccMemory Access: The Memory Access module provides access to different memory technology devices by an address-based API. The Memory Access module is always complemented by one or more Memory Driver (Mem). | |
MemIfMemory Abstraction Interface: The module MemIf provides uniform access to the services of Ea and Fee. This makes it possible to use multiple instances of these modules. | |
MflMathematical Floating Point: Library with arithmetic functions for floating point values. | |
MfxMathematical Fixed Point: Library with arithmetic functions for fixed point values. | |