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Network Layer Protocol Data Unit: A Network Protocol Data Unit is a packet of data found at the network layer of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) seven layer model. The PDU (Protocol Data Unit) may contain either signalling or user information.


Generic Network Management Interface: The Nm module offers a general and network- independent interface for accessing the bus-dependent network management modules (CanNm, LinNm, UdpNm and FrNm). In addition, the module handles synchronous, inter-network shutdown of the communication system in coordination with the other ECUs.


Negative Return Code: Negative response codes. 0x80 – 0xFF: negative response codes for specific conditions that are not correct at the point in time the request is received by the server.


Non Volatile


Non Volatile RAM Manager: The NvM module manages, reads, and writes data to a nonvolatile memory (Ea or Fee). At system start and at shutdown, it synchronizes the data in the RAM areas of the application. The module provides services such as saving of redundant blocks for a higher level of data protection. Since AUTOSAR 4.0.3, the Rte also provides a simpler and more flexible interface to Nv data (NvDataInterfaces).