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On-Board-Diagnose : On-board diagnostics (OBD) is an automotive term referring to a vehicle's self-diagnostic and reporting capability. OBD systems give the vehicle owner or repair technician access to the status of the various vehicle sub-systems.


Output Compare Unit Driver: The Ocu driver standardizes initialization and access to the Output Compare Unit.


Operation Invoked Trigger


Operating System: The module Os is the operating system of an AUTOSAR ECU. It is actually an extended OSEK operating system. Extensions are divided into so-called Scalability Classes (SC1–SC4). They cover the following functionalities: – SC1: schedule tables – SC2: timing protection + schedule tables – SC3: memory protection + schedule tables – SC4: memory protection + timing protection + schedule tables In safety-related ECUs, the OS is one of the safe- ty-related modules. The operating system also supports (asymmetric) multi-core microcontrollers.


Open Systems and their Interfaces for the Electronics in Motor Vehicles: OSEK OS provides a sufficiently flexible scheduling policy to schedule AUTOSAR systems. OSEK OS is a mature specification and implementations are used in millions of ECUs worldwide. OSEK OS does not provide sufficient support for isolating multi-source software components at runtime. OSEK OS does not provide sufficient runtime support for demonstrating the absence of some classes of fault propagation in a safety-case. OSEKtime OS and the HIS Protected OSEK are immature specifications that contain concepts necessary for AUTOSAR and satisfy specific application domains. It is the purpose of this document to identify these needs and to recommend the use of parts (or all) of these specifications as appropriate.