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S |
SdService Discovery: The Sd module realizes the SOME/IP SD protocol. An ECU communicates the availability of its services to communication partners via a publish-subscribe protocol. In addition, ECUs can register to receive automatic notifications, e.g. on a signal update. | |
SDUService Data Unit: An SDU is the data passed by the upper layer for transmission and extracted from the PDU during reception. A PCI basically contains the source and destination information for the PDU to be exchanged between layers and modules. | |
SecOCSecure Onboard Communication: The SecOC module is used to send or receive authenticated messages. Unauthorized, repeated, or manipulated messages are detected. The SecOC is part of the AUTOSAR security solution. | |
SFSingle Frame: A single Frame can be sent out if the CAN data is lower than 8 databytes, so the message doesn't need to be packed in different Frames. | |
SIPSoftware Integration Package: IS a MICROSAR Stack specially released for your application. To accomplish this, Vector test your use case in relation to the selected BSW modules and OEM requirements on the hardware platform that you have specified. | |
SLPSoftware License Package | |
SNISource Node Identifier ( Byte0 or Byte1 in NM message ): The source node identifier is located in the first byte of a CAN message and the control bit vector at the second byte. It is used to send the source Node ID number. | |
SoAdSocket Adaptor: The module SoAd converts the communication via PDUs as it is defined in AUTOSAR into a socket-based communication. In AUTOSAR 4.0, the SoAd also contains the diagnostic functionality defined in ISO 13400-2 (DoIP). Since AUTOSAR 4.1, this plug-in is removed and specified as a stand-alone module (DoIP). | |
SomeIpTpSOME/IP Transport Protocol: The module SomeIpTp extends SOME/IP, so it is possible to transfer a larger amount of data (>1500 Byte) per UDP. | |