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TCP/IP Stack: The TcpIp module contains all protocols for UDP and TCP-based communication. It supports the versions IPv4 and Ipv6 as well as parallel operation of Ipv4 and Ipv6 in one ECU. It contains the following protocols: – Ipv4, ICMPv4 and ARP – Ipv6, ICMPv6 and NDP – UDP, TCP, DHCPv4 (client) and DHCPv6 (client) – Tls (since AUTOSAR 4.4) – IPsec including IKE (since AUTOSAR R19-11 (4.5))


Transport Layer Security: Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an encryption protocol that protects Internet communications.


Time Services: The Tm module is used for such tasks as measuring execution implementing active waiting. It offers a resolution from 1 µs to 4.9 days.


Transport Protocol Application Programming Interface


TTCAN Driver : The Ttcan driver offers the same functionality for a TTCAN controller (ISO 11898-4) as the CAN Driver (Can) does for a CAN controller.


TTCAN Interface : The module TtcanIf offers the same functionality for a TTCAN controller (ISO 11898-4) as the CAN Interface (CanIf) does for a CAN controller.


Transmit path