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Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport: The module V2xBtp is part of the ETSI standard and required for the European market. The Vehicle-2-X Basic Transport module enables protocol entities at the Facilities to access services (data and control information) of the GeoNetworking protocol and to pass protocol control information between the Facilities and the GeoNetworking protocol.


Vehicle-2-X Facilities: The module V2xFac is part of the ETSI standard and required for the European market. The Vehicle-2-X Facilities module provides the – Basic Services (BS), – Cooperative Awareness (CA), – Decentralized Environmental Notification (DEN).


Vehicle-2-X GeoNetworking: The module V2xGn is part of the ETSI standard of ITS and required for the European market. The V2xGn module is responsible for the routing and forwarding of V2X messages.


Vehicle-2-X Management: The module V2xM is part of the ETSI standard of ITS and required for the European market. The V2xM module is responsible for: – Position and Time Management (POTI), – Identity / Security Taking care on pseudonym certificates, – Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) – Adjustment of communication due to environmental conditions (e.g. lower transmission frequency for traffic congestion).




Vector Audio/ Video Transport Protocol: The module vAvTp is specified in IEEE 1722. In AVB networks it is responsible for the transport of audio/ video data, including the Presentation Time.

vCan CcCdm

CAN Charging Communication CHAdeMO: This module contains the standardized charging communication for direct current charging according to the specification CHAdeMO.

vCan CcGbt

CAN Charging Communication GB/T 27930: This module contains the standardized charging communication for direct current charging according to the specification GB/T 27930 for China. Support for diagnostics for this standard can be developed on request.


Vector Debugging (via XCP): The module vDgb enables external access via XCP to internal information of the basic software. It is also possible to modify memory data.


Vector Diagnostic Event Synchronizer: The module vDes enables diagnostic monitoring over multiple MCUs and implicates multi-controller DEM functionality. The diagnostic master collects qualified events communicated from the diagnostic slaves, which receive event messages locally.

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