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V |
V2xFacVehicle-2-X Facilities: The module V2xFac is part of the ETSI standard and required for the European market.
The Vehicle-2-X Facilities module provides the
– Basic Services (BS),
– Cooperative Awareness (CA),
– Decentralized Environmental Notification (DEN). | |
V2xGnVehicle-2-X GeoNetworking: The module V2xGn is part of the ETSI standard of ITS and required for the European market.
The V2xGn module is responsible for the routing and forwarding of V2X messages. | |
V2xMVehicle-2-X Management: The module V2xM is part of the ETSI standard of ITS and required for the European market.
The V2xM module is responsible for:
– Position and Time Management (POTI),
– Identity / Security
Taking care on pseudonym certificates,
– Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC)
– Adjustment of communication due to environmental conditions (e.g. lower transmission frequency for traffic congestion). | |
VARvariable | |
vAvTpVector Audio/ Video Transport Protocol: The module vAvTp is specified in IEEE 1722. In AVB networks it is responsible for the transport of audio/ video data, including the Presentation Time. | |
vCan CcCdmCAN Charging Communication CHAdeMO: This module contains the standardized charging communication for direct current charging according to the specification CHAdeMO. | |
vCan CcGbtCAN Charging Communication GB/T 27930: This module contains the standardized charging communication for direct current charging according to the specification GB/T 27930 for China.
Support for diagnostics for this standard can be developed on request. | |
vDbgVector Debugging (via XCP): The module vDgb enables external access via XCP to internal information of the basic software. It is also possible to modify memory data. | |
vDesVector Diagnostic Event Synchronizer: The module vDes enables diagnostic monitoring over multiple MCUs and implicates multi-controller DEM functionality.
The diagnostic master collects qualified events communicated from the diagnostic slaves, which receive event messages locally. | |