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Bitfield functions for fixed point: Library for bit handling in fixed point arithmetic functions.


BSW Multi- Core Library: This library abstracts atomic hardware accesses to improve the handling of multi-core systems.


Bulk NvData Manager: The BndM module avoids a RAM mirror for read access to nonvolatile data. The write strategy is more complex, which is why it is more suitable for data that is rarely updated (e.g. variant coding).


Block Started by Symbol: BSS section is used by the compiler for global and static variables. It is one of the default COFF sections that is used to reserve a specified amount of space in the memory map that can later be used for storing data. It is normally uninitialized.


Basic Software: The Basic Software (BSW) consists of Basic Software Modules (BSWM) as a collection of software files (code and description) that define a certain basic software functionality present on an ECU. Standard software may be composed of several software modules that are developed independently.


BSW Mode Manager: The BswM module contains vehicle mode management and application mode management. It processes mode requests from SWCs or other BSW modules and performs actions based on the arbitration, such as control of deadline monitoring, switching schedule tables, and handling of IPDU groups. In conjunction with the EcuM, the BswM module is responsible for starting up and shutting down the ECU. The BswM also coordinates the multi-core partitions.


Basic Software Module Description: The BSWMD is a formal notation of all information, which belongs to a certain BSW artifact (BSW module or BSW cluster) in addition to the implementation of that artifact. There are several possible use cases for such a description.


Bus Driver: The main purpose of bus drivers is to provide abstraction by acting as a translator between a hardware device and the applications or operating systems that use it. Programmers can write higher-level application code independently of whatever specific hardware the end-user is using.


Bus Interface: The Bus Interface offers abstracted (PDU-based) access to the Bus Driver. It controls the Bus Driver as well as the transceiver driver.


Bus Network Management: Within a bus network, the module BusNm is responsible for coordinated transitions between the wake up and sleep state.

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