The following exchange formats are defined by AUTOSAR:
- SWC Description:
The supplier or OEM defines the SWCs. This involves creating an XML file for each SWC: the SWC Description. It describes the interfaces and the resource requirements of the SWC. The supplier or OEM then creates the relevant C files for the implementation.
- System Description:
The OEM first defines, based on the SWCs, the functional content for the entire vehicle independent of the ECUs. The OEM then designs the communication networks and distributes the SWCs to the existing ECUs. The results are saved in the system description.
From AUTOSAR 4.0:
- System Extract of System Description:
For each ECU, the OEM reduces the System Description to a System Extract of System Description, which the OEM can share with the suppliers of the relevant ECU. This file replaces the .dbc, FIBEX or .ldf files that were previously used for configuration of the BSW modules.
- ECU Extract of System Description (ECUEX):
A process referred to as a “Flattening” is used to generate an ECU Extract of System Description from the System Extract of System Description. This matches the System Extract, but only contains the atomic SWCs in a flat perspective. The Tier1 can extend the ECU Extract with SWCs generated in-house.
- ECU Extract of System Description (ECUEX):
For each ECU, the OEM reduces the System Description to an ECU Extract of System Description, which the OEM can pass to the suppliers of the relevant ECU. This file replaces the .dbc, FIBEX or .ldf files that were previously used for configuration of the BSW modules.
- Complete ECU Extract of System Description:
Starting from the ECU Extract of System Description, the supplier integrates its own SWCs. The result is a complete and up-to-date ECU Extract of System Description, which now contains a description of all SWCs of an ECU, from both the OEM and the supplier.
- BSW Module Description:
Another prerequisite for ECU configuration are the BSW Module Description files, which contain the definition of data structures and all configurable parameters of a BSW module. These files are specific to the implementation and, along with the generators, are part of the static code content of the BSW modules of the supplier of the AUTOSAR stack.
- ECU Configuration Description (ECUC):
The initial ECU Configuration Description is created by the supplier based on the current ECU Extract of System Description and the BSW Module Description files. The supplier then configures the ECU, using the ECU Configuration Description for documentation. This involves tools for setting and checking the parameters of the BSW modules and the RTE. The ECU Configuration Description is used as the foundation of the ECU-specific generation of RTE and BSW modules by the associated generators.
The AUTOSAR method’s flexibility ensures it is suited for the practical requirements of different projects and different OEMs. For example, the use of SWCs is optional in the System Description.

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 September 2021, 8:09 AM