An AUTOSAR system is described in the form of Software Components, which are interconnected via the VFB (or ECU-specific RTEs). This abstraction might suggest that AUTOSAR Basic Software only covers communication. This is not the case.
AUTOSAR Basic Software also provides internal ECU services such as state management (ECU state and control of the communication channels), diagnostic services, watchdog services, operating system and management of the nonvolatile memory; even IO is covered within AUTOSAR standardization.
Semi-conductor manufacturers come into play especially in standardization of the last topic (input and output), by supplying the low-level software layer (MCAL). As a result of the standardization some issues that were formerly solved by ECU suppliers move into the domain of suppliers of the basic software.
The Vector implementation of the AUTOSAR standard – MICROSAR – is illustrated in the graphics on the software architecture on the right.